Floral insides from Sofie Marijnissen
Sofie Marijnissen has always been involved in art and creating. “I’ve been painting for a long time, but the last few years I’ve been especially fascinated by flowers. My grandmother owns a big garden full of flowers and plants and my neighbour is a florist, surrounding me with flower bouquets. This way, I started to use flowers as a source of inspiration."

Colour and movement, typical floral characteristics, have always been important in my work. Every season represents different flowers, every bouquet creates a different atmosphere. Sunflowers, for instance, evocate a whole different feeling than lilies. That’s why every painting looks different.”

Her work comes in a variety of colours and sizes.
Sofie: “Watercolours ask for a very different technique than my bigger works. Every new painting is therefore different. Composition also comes about in a very intuitive way: sometimes, I just turn around the vase, which enables me to paint flowers from another perspective.”

Sofie: Colour and movement, typical floral characteristics, have always been important in my work. Every season represents different flowers, every bouquet creates a different atmosphere.
Using Sofie’s paintings became hidden treasures inside bags, a limited edition, printed on the lining of the handbags.

Lies: “Usually, I like to create neutral and timeless pieces. For this collaboration, however, it seemed essential to present eye-catching designs and colours. It just wouldn’t be right to create a black bag with Sofie: she’s always brightly dressed and together, we used to be the most colourful characters on the playground. Literally. This limited edition had to radiate a similar enthusiasm.”